All Publications by TISA

TISA produces a wide variety of publications for our members, the UK financial services industry alongside relevant professional services and consumers. This ranges from essential good and best practice on the interpretation and implementation of new regulation, technical guides and briefings, our responses to government and regulatory consultations and newsletters.

Browse the full list of TISA publications below or search by title, category or type.

If you would like to discuss any TISA publications, please contact us.

TISA response to CP 24/9: FCA’s Consultation on Financial Crime Updates (June 2024)

TISA response to HMT Consultation: Improving the effectiveness of the Money Laundering Regulations (June 2024)

TISA response to Individual Savings Account: UK ISA Consultation (June 2024)

TISA response to HMRC Consultation on CARF and CRS (May 2024)

TISA response to CP24/4 – The regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms further consultation (May 2024)

TISA response to the HMT & FCA Policy Paper DP23/5: Advice Guidance Boundary Review –proposals for closing the advice gap (February 2024)

TISA response to DWP call for evidence (January 2024)

TISA response to CP23/20: Diversity and Inclusion (December 2023)

Response by TISA to DWP consultation:The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (General Levy)Regulations review 2023 (November 2023)

TISA response to DWP: Helping savers understand their pension choices (August 2023)

TISA response to DWP: Ending the proliferation of deferred small pots (August 2023)

TISA response to: Help to Save Reform (June 2023)

TISA response to CP23/4 – Value for Money: A framework on metrics, standards, and disclosures (March 2023)

TISA response to: Extending Opportunities for Collective Defined Contribution Pension Schemes (March 2023)

TISA response to: Addressing the challenge of deferred small pots – a call for evidence (March 2023)

TISA response to TPR: Dashboards compliance and enforcement policy consultation document (February 2023)

TISA response to PDP: Design standards consultation (February 2023)

TISA response to CP 22/25: Proposed regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms (February 2023)

TISA response to HM Treasury and HMRC Consultation on VAT treatment of fund management services (February 2023)

TISA response to: Broadening the investment opportunities of Defined Contribution schemes (November 2022)

Response by TISA to PDP Consultation: standards, specifications and technical requirements (August 2022)

Response by TISA – Helping savers understand their pension choices (July 2022)

TISA response to: Facilitating investment in illiquid assets (May 2022)

TISA response to Proposed revision to AS TM1: Statutory Money Purchase Illustrations (April 2022)

TISA response to Second State Pension age review: independent report call for evidence (April 2022)

Response by TISA to – CP22/3-Pensions dashboards: proposed rules for pension providers (April 2022)

TISA response to Consultation on the draft Pensions Dashboards Regulations 2022 (March 2022)

TISA Governance, Culture & Conduct Committee – Response to CP 21/36 (March 2022)

ISA Compliance Call to Evidence Response (February 2022)

Response by TISA to CP21/32 – Improving outcomes in non-workplace pensions (February 2022)

TISA response to Protecting pension savers – five years on from the pension freedoms: Saving for later (January 2022)

TISA response to Enabling investment in productive finance (January 2022)

TISA response to – Mental Capacity Act: Small Payments Scheme Consultation (January 2022)

TISA response to Driving Value for Money in defined contribution pensions (December 2021)

TISA response to The Occupational Pension Schemes (Collective Money Purchase Schemes) Regulations 2021 (August 2021)

TISA response to Stronger nudge to pensions guidance (August 2021)

TISA response to Future of the defined contribution pension market: the case for greater consolidation (July 2021)

TISA response to FCA DP21/1 (July 2021)

TISA response to Pensions Dashboards: staging call for input (July 2021)

TISA response to Permitted Charges within Defined Contribution Pension Schemes (June 2021)

TISA response to Pension scams: empowering trustees and protecting members (June 2021)

TISA response to The stronger nudge to pensions guidance (June 2021)

TISA response to Simpler Annual Benefit Statements (June 2021)

TISA response to Pensions consumer journey (June 2021)

TISA response to Protecting pension savers – five years on from the Pension Freedoms: Accessing pension savings (April 2021)

Response to increasing the normal minimum pension age: consultation on implementation (April 2021)

Response by TISA to ISAs and open-ended property funds (December 2020)

Response by TISA: Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Technical Detail and Practical Operation (November 2020)

Response by TISA to Improving outcomes for members of defined contribution pension schemes (November 2020)

Response by TISA to CP20/15: Liquidity mismatch in authorised open-ended property funds (November 2020)

FCA Dear CEO (October 2020)

Response by TISA to CP 19/32 Building Operational Resilience (October 2020)

TISA responds to the FCA consultation CP20/9 (September 2020)

Response by TISA to Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) Call for Input (September 2020)

Response by TISA to the Work & Pensions Committee – Inquiry: Protecting pensions savers – five years on from the pension freedoms: Pension scams (September 2020)

Response by TISA to DWP Call for Evidence: Review of the Default Fund Charge Cap and Standardised Cost Disclosure (August 2020)

Response by TISA to the Dormant Assets Expansion Consultation (April 2020)

Response to FS19/5: Effective competition in non-workplace pensions (October 2019)

Response by TISA to Child Trust Fund – input to the maturity process July 2019 (October 2019)

TISA response to Digital Identity: Call for Evidence July 2019 (September 2019)

TISA inputs into All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education for Young People report (July 2019)

TISA response to Transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive – HMT consultation (June 2019)

TISA response to CP19/12: Consultation on Investment Platforms Market Study remedies (June 2019)

Covering letter to CP19/12 (June 2019)

Response to FCA’s Call for Input to Evaluation of the Retail Distribution Review and the Financial Advice Market Review (June 2019)

Response by TISA to CP 19/4: Optimising the Senior Managers & Certification Regime and feedback to DP 16/4 – Overall responsibility and the legal function (April 2019)

Response by TISA to CP19/5: Retirement Outcomes Review: Investment pathways and other proposed changes to our rules and guidance (April 2019)

Post Implementation Review – Providing Assurance on Client Assets to the Financial Conduct Authority (March 2019)

TISA response to Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017: Implementation Consultation (February 2019)

TISA response to Children in Care and Financial Education (February 2019)

TISA response to Pensions Dashboards: Working together for the consumer (January 2019)

TISA response to Delivering collective defined contribution pension schemes (January 2019)

TISA response to the Treasury Committee’s Inquiry into Consumers Access to Financial Services (December 2018)

TISA Response to: GC18/4 – Senior Managers and Certification Regime – Proposed guidance on statements of responsibilities for FCA firms (December 2018)

Net pay joint letter (October 2018)

TISA Response to: CP 18/19 – Introducing the Directory (October 2018)

TISA response to FCA Investment Platforms Market Study 17/1.2 (September 2018)

Covering letter to MS17/1 Platforms market study (September 2018)

Share Class Conversions – Statement of recommended practice (September 2018)

TISA Response to CP18/17 – Retirement Outcomes Review: Proposed changes to our rules and guidance (Q34-46) (September 2018)

TISA response to CP18/17 – Retirement Outcomes Review: Proposed changes to our rules and guidance (Q1-33 and 47-49) (August 2018)

TISA response to Pensions cold calling – consultation on regulations (August 2018)

Response by TISA to Guidance Consultation GC18/1 Proposed guidance on financial crime systems and controls: insider dealing and market manipulation (June 2018)

TISA response to CP17/40 and CP 17/42: Transitioning FCA firms and individuals to the Senior Managers & Certification Regime and The Duty of Responsibility (February 2018)

Response by TISA to the Consultation Paper CP17-37 (February 2018)

TISA response to the Treasury Committee’s Inquiry into Household Finances (January 2018)

Response by TISA to Consultation on Individual Accountability: Extending the Senior Managers & Certification Regime to all FCA firms (November 2017)

TISA response to the Legislation on Help to Save Accounts Consultation (October 2017)

TISA response to Retirement Outcomes Review: Interim Report (September 2017)

TISA response to Anti-Money Laudering Supervisory Review (August 2017)

TISA Response to PQM/PQM PLUS/PQM READY: A consultation to help pension providers build better products (August 2017)

TISA Response to FCA’s Guidance Consultation GC 17/4: FAMR Implementation part 1 (May 2017)

TISA Response to Security and Sustainability in Defined Benefit Pension Schemes (May 2017)

TISA response to CP17/02 CASS 7A and SAR (April 2017)

Covering letter to CP17/02 CASS 7A and SAR (April 2017)

Industry Feedback on ‘Draft legislation: the Individual Savings Account (Amendment) Regulations 2017’ Technical Consultation from the BBA, BSA & TISA (April 2017)

TISA Response to Technical Changes to Automatic Enrolment: Consultation (March 2017)

TISA Response to Automatic Enrolment: Initial Questions (March 2017)

FCA Policy Statement: Handbook changes to reflect the introduction of the Lifetime ISA: Feedback on CP16/32 and final rules (March 2017)

TISA response to Information Prompts Consultation (February 2017)


TISA Response to Pension scams: consultation (February 2017)

TISA response to reducing the money purchase annual allowance (February 2017)

TISA response to Transfers & Re-reg consultation (January 2017)

TISA response to FCA CP16/32 Consultation on the amendments to the handbook for the introduction of the Lifetime ISA LISA (January 2017)

Covering letter to CP16/32 (January 2017)

TISA response to The Individual Savings Account (Amendment no. XX) Regulation 2017 (January 2017)

TISA response to CP16/29 MiFID II (January 2017)

Covering letter to CP16/29 MiFID II (January 2017)

TISA response to Amending the definition of financial advice: consultation (November 2016)

TISA response to CP16_19 MiFID II Implementation (November 2016)

TISA response to NEST: Evolving for the future Call for evidence (September 2016)

Covering letter to NEST (September 2016)

TISA response to PSF: Being responsive to user needs (September 2016)

TISA response to FCA: Post-implementation Review of Crowdfunding Rules (September 2016)

TISA response to DWP: Capping early exit charges for members of occupational schemes (August 2016)

TISA response to CP16/15 Capping early exit pension charges (August 2016)

TISA response to Dormant Assets Commision (June 2016)

Covering letter to Dormant Assets Commission (June 2016)

TISA response to FCA CP16/12 (June 2016)

Covering letter to FCA 16/12 (June 2016)

TISA response to Creating a secondary annuity market: tax framework (June 2016)

Covering letter to Creating a secondary annuity market (June 2016)

DP 16_2 Letter to FCA (May 2016)

Letter to the Chancellor (March 2016)

TISA response to ‘Innovation Plan’ a TPR Consultation (February 2016)

TISA response to Innovative Finance ISA consultation (February 2016)

TISA response to ‘Developing a Retirement Quality Mark’ (Jan 2016)

Covering letter to Developing a Retirement Quality Mark (Jan 2016)

TISA response to Financial Advice Market Review (December 2015)

Covering letter to Financial Advice Market Review (December 2015)

TISA response to – ‘Lifestyling’ of Child Trust Funds Consultation (December 2015)

TISA response to ‘Review of the impact on business of the current anti-money laundering & terrorist finance regime’ (November 2015)

TISA response to ‘Flexible ISA – Technical Consultation’ (November 2015)

Autumn Submission 2015 (October 2015)

TISA response to HMT: Pension transfers and early exit charges (October 2015)

Covering letter to HMT – Pension transfers and early exit charges (October 2015)

Covering letter to HMT Tax Relief Consultation (September 2015)

TISA response to HMT – Strengthening the incentive to save: a consultation on pensions tax relief (September 2015)

TISA response to deduction of income tax from savings income: implementation of the Personal Savings Allowance (September 2015)

Covering letter to the implementation of the Personal Savings Allowance (September 2015)

TISA response to CP23/15 (July 2015)

TISA response to CP15/20 (July 2015)

Covering letter to Creating a Secondary Annuity Market response (June 2015)

TISA response to Creating a Secondary Annuity Market (June 2015)

TISA response to DP15/3 (June 2015)

TISA response to FCA PS15_4 (April 2015)

TISA response to FCA CP15_7 (April 2015)

TISA response to FCA CP15_8 (April 2015)

TISA response to Retirement Reforms and the Guidance Guarantee (April 2015)

Combined industry response to draft CTF regulations: CTF to JISA Transfers (February 2015)

TISA response to draft ISA regulations & guidance: additional permitted subscriptions for spouse/civil partner of deceased ISA investor (February 2015)

TISA response to Retirement Income Market Study (February 2015)

TISA response to CP 14/26 (February 2015)

TISA response to PSR CP14/1 (January 2015)

Covering letter to PSR CP14/1 (January 2015)

TISA response to DWP: Technical Changes to Auto Enrolment (January 2015)

TISA response to CP14/24: Charges in workplace personal pension schemes (December 2014)

Covering letter to CP14/24 (December 2014)

TISA response to ISA qualifying investments: consultation on including peer-to-peer loans (December 2014)

Covering letter to ISA qualifying investments (December 2014)


Covering letter to DWP (November 2014)

TISA response to GC14/06 Social Media & customer communications (November 2014)

Covering letter to GC14/06 (November 2014)


Covering letter to CP14/11 (September 2014)

TISA response to HMRC Consultation on Direct Recovery of Debts (July 2014)

Covering letter to HMRC response (July 2014)

TISA response to FCA Consultation on Client Money held in Individual Savings Accounts (June 2014)

Covering Letter to CP 14/9 (June 2014)


TISA covering letter to HMT response (June 2014)

TISA Pre-Budget Submission (March 2014)

TISA response to Reshaping Workplace Pensions for future generations (December 2013)

Response to DWP Better Workplace Pensions: Charging (November 2013)

TISA Autumn Statement submission (November 2013)

TISA response – Changing Customers to post RDR unit classes (October 2013)

TISA response to CP13/05 (October 2013)

TISA covering letter to CP13/05 (October 2013)

TISA response to DWP: Quality standards in workplace defined contribution pension schemes (September 2013)

TISA Response to HMRC Pensions Tax Relief Consultation (September 2013)

TISA Response to HM Treasury CTF Consultation (August 2013)

TISA response to ISA qualifying investments (May 2013)

TISA response to DWP Technical Changes to Automatic-Enrolment (May 2013)


TISA Budget Submission (March 2013)

TISA Budget Submission (November 2012)

TISA response to CP12/12 (September 2012)

TISA response to NAPF – draft code of conduct for pension charges (July 2012)

TISA response to DWP: Meeting future workplace pension changes: improving transfers and dealing with small pots (March 2012)

TISA response to FSA Guidance Consultation: Proposed update to the distributor-influenced funds factsheets (January 2012)

CP11/26 RDR Advisor Charging (January 2012)

TISA response to 10/29 Platforms: Delivering the RDR (February 2011)