The Essentials of Money Management
Because good financial health matters
“Financial education needs to be accessible to people throughout all stages of their life, otherwise we cannot expect consumers to manage through financially challenging periods. To change, it will require intervention from Government to alter education policy. However, employers must take on a share of the burden by assisting their staff through training programmes to build up the financial resilience of their employees.”
Carol Knight

Latest Blogs on Money Management

Lindsey Reed
Trainer for TISA

Investing in the Future: Empowering your staff with financial know-how

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, nurturing a talented and motivated workforce is vital for organisations to succeed. As well as equipping your employees with technical skills, it’s equally essential to empower them with knowledge that extends beyond the workplace. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our Money Management Training Programme, tailor-made for your staff, particularly those at the start of their financial journey.

Unlocking Financial Wellness during Talk Money Week: One Simple Action

As Talk Money Week takes place, the Money and Pensions Service encourages us to take one single meaningful step to enhance our financial wellbeing. The power of even one well-considered action can have a compounding effect, transforming the way we manage our finances and ultimately securing a more stable and prosperous future.

Improving your financial wellbeing is an ongoing process, and Talk Money Week is an excellent opportunity to begin taking steps in the right direction. Open conversations and deliberate actions can lead to a more secure and prosperous financial future.

The Essentials of Money Management

Introducing TISA’s latest training initiative to help firms support staff in the workplace and promote good financial habits early on.

Research by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)* has shown that many young people entering the world of work are not prepared for the money-related realities that lie ahead. This can lead to debt problems, affect their mental health and also find them suffering in the workplace. Moreover, with the UK cost of living crisis, there has never been a more important time to help your staff to become more financially resilient for the future.

TISA’s training course on The Essentials of Money Management aims to address the current gap in personal finance knowledge for young adults in the workplace (such as graduates, apprentices and new entrants). The workshop is the perfect aide to staff wellbeing and induction programmes, helping firms deliver on corporate social responsibility, whilst their staff gain valuable CPD.

The workshop provides attendees with the tools and confidence to make sense of everyday financial matters, including budgeting, saving, investing, credit and borrowing, as well as how to avoid being scammed. It will equip your staff with the knowledge and confidence to make more informed financial decisions. 

Course Overview

The course has been designed in an interactive way to bring real concepts to life, following the journey of 18-year-old Jenna, as she navigates through various financial decisions and challenges along the way.

By the end of the session, attendees will be armed with actionable ideas they can put into practice to help improve their financial wellbeing.

We will cover everything from:

  • The latest details on how you are taxed and pay National Insurance
  • Budgeting, buying online and protecting yourself from fraudsters
  • Saving for the long term and the benefits of starting early
  • Borrowing and even mortgages
  • Pensions and investing for the future
  • Having a positive relationship with money
  • Building resilience, both financially and personally, even in difficult times

We will also explore  financial concepts, such as compound interest and credit scores.

Your Trainer

Lindsey Reed, Trainer for TISA

Lindsey Reed, with 25 years of experience in the Finance Industry managing multi-million-dollar projects and teams, transitioned to TISA in 2005, designing and delivering Power of Attorney and Client Money workshops. 

She’s a seasoned coach and trainer, working with diverse individuals, from school leavers to Chief Executives. Lindsey has designed and delivered Train the Trainer programmes across various industries, 5-day coaching initiatives for the MOD, and her own workshops for clients.

Her expertise is backed by extensive training under renowned experts in Training, Coaching, and Personal Development, earning certifications in Train the Trainer Mastery, ILM Level 7 Executive Coaching, and Leadership Mentoring, as well as NLP Train the Trainer. Lindsey’s true passion lies in empowering individuals to thrive and lead their best lives effortlessly.

Course delivery

For individuals

This course is ideal for anyone who needs a boost in their knowledge of everyday money matters and would be ideal for:

New starters (for example, graduates) to your firm, to support their personal development and ensure that they feel confident when it comes to navigating their own finances.

Anyone who wants to improve their money management skills to become more financially confident.

For organisations

This course would make a great addition to any existing induction programmes or employee financial wellbeing initiatives that you may already have in place. TISA is able to work with your firm and put in place a programme or session (virtual/ in-person) to suit your staff training needs.

We can also offer group discounts for organisations who want to send a large group to our next online session.

We have already helped members by incorporating this programme into their graduate and training programmes. Talk to us to find out more. 

Train the Trainer

By incorporating TISA’s Money Management course into your training programme, you can empower your employees with essential financial skills and knowledge, ultimately improving their financial wellbeing. Moreover, with trained in-house trainers, you can gain greater control over the learning process and can ensure that the material is aligned with your organisation’s objectives and culture. For this we have our Train the Trainer (TTT) solution, where we help train your staff to deliver the course internally within your organisation. Once staff have taken our TTT programme we can offer an annual license to use our course materials for internal delivery.

Want to find out more?

Useful links


Blog: Unlocking Financial Wellness during Talk Money Week: One Simple Action

By Lindsey Reed (TISA Trainer)
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, nurturing a talented and motivated workforce is vital for organisations to succeed. As well as equipping your employees with technical skills, it’s equally essential to empower them with knowledge that extends beyond the workplace. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our Money Management Training Programme, tailor-made for your graduates and apprentices.

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Blog: Investing in the future: Empowering your staff with financial know-how

By Lindsey Reed (TISA Trainer)
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, nurturing a talented and motivated workforce is vital for organisations to succeed. As well as equipping your employees with technical skills, it’s equally essential to empower them with knowledge that extends beyond the workplace. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our Money Management Training Programme, tailor-made for your graduates and apprentices.

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Financial Education Council

TISA’s Financial Education Policy Committee’s vision is to ensure that everyone receives a high-quality and effective financial education in order to promote good financial habits early on in life. The purpose of this group is to consider, advise and lead industry initiatives that improve the provision of financial education from primary school age to young adulthood and beyond.

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The Centre for Financial Capability

TISA is delighted to support the Centre for Financial Capability and its mission to ensure every child in the UK develops the skills and behaviours necessary to navigate critical financial decisions in their life – starting from primary school. The charity has a mission for every primary aged child to receive an effective and high-quality financial education, which has been reinforced by calls by the 150 members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education for Young People today for primary financial education for every child by 2030.

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*MaPS – The UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing: 2020-2030

**Research from The State of Financial Wellbeing – UK Workplace Report 2022 by Wagestream