Timezone: GMT
Timings: 9.30-15.30

Avoid customer frustration and unwanted FCA attention by creating a transparent, compliant, and effective complaints handling process.

You need to make it easy for customers to complain. What an aggrieved customer hates more than anything is a complaints process that’s opaque, complicated and onerous. The regulator couldn’t agree more. The FCA expects you to treat your customers fairly, which means you must have a straightforward, transparent and fair complaints process. If complaints handling is not high up on your agenda, now is the time to put it there.

Handling complaints is about more than showing the regulator that you’re treating customers fairly, it’s about actually treating your customers fairly. Your complaints procedure can have a profound effect on how your customers think and feel about your firm.

In this one-day online workshop you’ll learn how to create an effective and sensitive complaints procedure that will help you keep your customers (who may have otherwise gone in frustration to your competitors).

This session will run from 9.30am – 3.30pm (breaks will be provided).

See below for more details about this workshop.