Timings: 9.30 -12.30, resuming 13.30 -16.30

Risk-based monitoring is a fundamental staple of the regulated environment, but with firms being disciplined on a regular basis for failures of compliance, questions arise as to the effectiveness of the monitoring in place, whether it has the right aims and objectives, uses appropriate tools and is implemented by suitably skilled staff.

This full-day course aims to address these concerns by first deep-diving into what monitoring is supposed to achieve and the lessons firms might learn from the FCA’s approach.

It then focuses on the importance of a high-quality risk appetite statement and risk assessment as drivers of an effective monitoring programme and explores techniques such as graphic mapping and the Conduct Risk Journey as frameworks for value-added risk assessment.

The course rounds off by examining various monitoring methodologies, the problems and issues with sampling and hints for effective report writing and for ensuring that the monitoring team has the right skill set for the challenges it faces.